Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

On, April 11, 2010, a balmy, Sunday in St. Petersburg, FL at the Nature Trail Preserve Oak Hall a mother gave her daughter the surprise of a life time. This was the perfect backdrop for Betty H. to surprise her daughter, Sofia F. Everyone was aware of the surprise and governed themselves accordingly.

How did she do it? Historically, Betty H. has an annual birthday gala, all of which are themed and scrumptious food is always prepared by her daughter, an awesome caterer. For months after each of Betty's birthday celebrations the guest are still discussing the event with their family and friends and anyone else that will listen. Every year the party is just that awesome. This year Betty thought it not robbery to pay honor to her daughter on her birthday. Sofia's birthday is in December so definitely she would not suspect a thing.

Family and friends were a little worried that they had not received their invite to Betty's party since the birthday celebration is usually held in March of each year. That was all a part of the plan. Betty wanted to wait for a picture perfect day where the weather would be postcard ordered and that's exactly what we had.

Picture it, a carnival set in a clearing in a field of lush green foliage, guest dressed in carnival attire (jeans and white shirts / plaid shirts and the like), the air smelling of hot buttered popcorn and southern fried fish, visions of children playing games while some nibbled on kosher dills on a stick and juicy red candy apples, while the parents ate perfectly parched peanuts and drnnk gallons of sweet tea and freshly blended fruit smoothies. If you can imagine such an image, then you too could have been at this party. Don't think that the food just described was the menu. Not!

The menu was a sundry of carnival food especially prepared by the guest of honor which included, Country grits with butter, cheesy macaroni and cheese, brown sugar and molasses baked beans, creamy cole slaw, grilled bar-b-que chicken, sliced bread and pillow rolls. The desserts would have baffled the best pastry chef, Golden pound cake, fresh peach cobbler, delightful red velvet cake and the sweet morsels of a hummingbird cake. Now I might have missed a couple of items but surely you have the idea.

Each guest had been fore warned to bring a gift for Sofia that she could use in her catering business; and that they did. As the surprise unfolded, as Betty prepared to thank her guest for their attendance, she brought out everyone in her family to thank them for their participation in making the celebration a success. As everyone awaited Betty's last sentence, that's when she sprung the surprise on Sofia by asking everyone to sing Happy Birthday to Sofia. As Sofia looked around in amazement she couldn't believe she had prepared all the food for her own party and that ALL the gifts were for her. It was quite the shocker for her. Once she was convinced, off came the apron.

Needless to say, the party was a huge success and both friends of Betty and Sofia were present to help celebrate and enjoy a wonderfully planned birthday celebration that was held on a balmy Sunday afternoon on April 11, 2010.

See additional photos of this spectacular party below.

Betty Hayward celebrates her 70th birthday with a Garden Party surrounded by family and friends. The gala was held on Sunday, March 22, 2009 at Boyd Hill Nature Trail Park. Each invitee brought a plant that described Betty in one word.

Friends that attended were an assortment of former POC co-workers, Lake Vista Walkers, and Elim Seventh Day Adventist church members among others. Everyone had a great time.

The group played several games that centered around the party honoree. One game entitled 'How Well Do You Know Betty'. In this game the group had to provide answers about Betty's life. The next game was 'Stump Betty' in this game Betty had to answer questions posed by her guest.

Each participant was given a nice token gift for their participation and correct answers.

The major entertainment event was the presentation of the Friendship Garden. Each person introduced themselves, told how long they had known Betty and how the one word they selected described the honoree. This was the best! The words were cute, funny and touching. In the end we had a table full of flowers and a string of words that appropriately described Betty. Participants were told to keep it to one sentence, but we soon found out that no one could describe Betty with only one word or sentence. Some of the words used were: beautiful, kind, sweet, Christlike, funny, fun, vibrant, survivor, role model, smart, intelligent, giving and unforgettable, etc.

Hats off to Mack her husband of 50 years and her daughter Sofia Forte who always surpass our palette's expectation. The food was delicious which we have come to expect ANNUALLY. The party menu included: Fresh Strawberry and Pineapple Slushs, Herbal Raspberry Tea, Garden Fresh Tossed Salad, Spring Cole Slaw, Southern Grits, Spanish Yellow Rice with Rich Vegetarian Black Beans (my favorite), Piping Hot Farm Fed Fried Fish with Highly Seasoned Hush Puppies. Homemade decadent desserts: Sweet Strawberry Cake, Georgia Peach Cobbler, Golden Pecan Cake, Buttery Pound Cake and Glacier Coconut Cake. What a spread!

In summary, it was determined that the many friendships and relationships formed in 70 years are just like a garden, some require more care and feeding than others, however, they intertwines and make us who we are to Betty and who she is to us.

Enjoy some of the Garden Party photos:

Gee whiz! How time flies when you are having fun. So is the case with McKinley and Betty Hayward, one would have to say. An annoucement was mailed early to 'Save The Date'. Then three weeks to the date the Golden Invitation was received by the guest.

The happy couple renewed their vows on Sunday, December 28, 2008 at Banquet Masters. Love was in the air. The happy couple was surrounded by their family and friends. Some family members traveled from out of state to join in the celebration.

The Rev. Norris Martin officiated the Renewing of Vows Ceremony. The Alumni Singers Ensemble sang 'Somebody Touched Me', 'Hold On To Your Dreams' and 'To God Be The Glory" during the ceremony. Betty is a member of the Alimni Singers; performing in the Alto Section. Mckinley would not be outdone however.

It was his melodic voice singing 'You are So Beautiful' to me as he took his bride's hand for the second time as Betty made her grand entrance in a svelte gold long suit. The couple was simply stunning (see slideshow below)

Blanche Ganey performed double duty too. She was the original Flower Girl and returned to perform the same duty 50 years later, however wearing a different dress.

Guest had their choice of several entrees and desserts. The chef offered up, Almond Crusted Salmon, Fried Chicken and Vegetable Lasagna as the main dishes. Sides included Early Spring Garden Green Beans both white and green with baby carrots, and New Potatoes sauted in Olive Oil and Basil. Assorted salads were served to compliment the meal. Desserts included a variety of cheese cakes and cakes (Carrot Cake, Black Forrest and Chocolate).

Sofia Forte, the daughter of the happy couple, left nothing to chance and baked a beautifully decorated custom wedding cake. The cake was stunning. Special selected photos of the couple were selected to adorn the tops of each tier. This is one time that Jean who is a bonifide Cater herself was able to put down her tools and take on the role of being Matron of Honor.

Enough said! Take a look at the slide show below to realize a glimpse of the Renewing of Vows of Betty and McKinley Hayward.

Lake Vista Happy Walkers

The Lake Vista Walkers have been existence for over 20 years. The group originally was called the Lake Vista Crazy Walkers because they walked in the wee hours of the morning when others were sleeping. Some started walking at 3:30 a.m., some at 4:00 a.m. and still others at 4:30 a.m.

The group has continue to celebrate life by walking together and celebrating each other's birthdays. A tradition of the group is to host a Christmas Holiday Soiree where they dress for the holiday season and share stories of events that occurred during the year. Another tradition of the group at this time of year is to give thanks to Him who has been their Protector and to each other for being an inspiration to each other.

Over the years 3 members have moved from this world to the next. Those members are Mary Byrd, Barbara Elizabeth Lewis and Elizabeth Howard. All devoted walkers.

The picture below is from 2002 on a Saturday morning. Featured in the picture is:
Betty, Rose, Barbara and Liz (Barbara and Liz now deceased 2008).

The following pictures are of our deceased members: Barbara Lewis and Elizabeth Howard. Taken at the 2003 Christmas Party.

The party was held at Carolyn's house and a good time was had by all. Covered dishes were the fare of the evening. Barbara Lewis pictured below deceased in Jan. 2008. Liz Howard February 8, 2008. Mary Byrd Jan 2007.

The following slide show is from the Christmas Gathering of 2007. Enjoy

The 2008 Christmas Gathering was held on December 9 th. The group held a memorial for the deceased members. A new wine was introduced to the group and shared by those who knew that Merlot is good for the heart! Enjoy this next set of photos. Compliments of Connie.

Click! Click! Smile! That was the order of the evening. Cameras were the order of the day. This slide show is compliments of Betty. Thanks ladies. There will be less (pounds) of us in 2009. See all of you at the trail.....The Lake Vista Happy Walkers. See points of interest that were discussed at the end of this slide show!

Go Safe and Be Well....(African Proverb)

Phil. 1:3 I thank my God upon every rememberance of you.

------------------- Points of Interest ----------------------
  • 1. Don't forget birthday celebrations, they are important to each of us. Dont' forget to bring your camera too!

  • 2. If you get your birthday celebration information to Valerie, she will perform the layout and sent it out electronically for those who have email, otherwise the invite goes back to the requestor to be mailed.

  • 3. Birthday celebrations dining assessment is $7.00. beginning in 2009.

  • 4. The group agreed to change our name from Lake Vista Crazy Walkers to Lake Vista Happy Walkers. Makes us all happy!

  • Happy Holidays to Each of You!